Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mourning Dove

Saturday was the state Birdathon.  Not as scientific as the GBBC (Great Backyard Bird Count) which is in February but at least in May there are birds here to see. Unusually hot so I sat on the deck and let the birds come to me.

This morning before driving to Churchtown to pick up friend Nancy for breakfast I stopped by the cemetery to check on the flower pots I set out yesterday.  Everything looked fine until I checked my grandparent's graves.  The pot was still there but every flower had been snipped off!  Checked the cut ends - they had been cut off high up on the stalk, at an angle, by something somewhat sharp.  Looked a lot like the cut the rabbits (or possibly deer) had made on the dried sedum flower heads last winter.  Once back home again,  I bought a pot of blue and orange flowers and stopped off at the cemetery.   I swapped the 'only-foliage-left' pot w/ the new one.  The bunny-ravaged plants will sit on my deck to put on new flower heads.  Tonight when I check on the cemetery potted plants again I'll spray some 'critter-be-gone' around each pot.  Finally found a benefit in using unpalatable plastic posies over the real thing.


Anonymous said...

the deer have done the same thing to my Asiatic lilies, roses, and another flower at the cemetery where I volunteer. I use the liquid fence stuff at home. Will have to take it there and spray.


Anonymous said...

The bunnies have also munched on my hostas. Liquid fence is working wonders although it doesn't smell too great. Carolyn