Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Winter temps

A friend sent me an on-line Advent Calendar and I've enjoyed the little daily vignettes.   It all takes place in an Alpine Village and every day something new would start happening around the village square or on the mountain surrounding it.  It's well done - the time on the tower clock is correct for my time zone.   If I look at it at night the sky is darkened and if I look at it during the day it's bright.  Get this - the moon in the night sky is even in the correct phase!    One day I decorated an on-line tree (much much easier than doing the real thing), another put clothes on a snowman, steer a skier down the hill, or put up stockings in a window.  On the 21st it was a memory game w/ 36 decorated chocolates in a box.  You had to locate similarly paired chocolates pieces in the shortest amount of time.  I keep going back to that game- it's addictive.  Don't know how long the calendar will remain active now that we are past Christmas but until then I'll keep trying to better my time of 52 seconds.

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