Merry Christmas! After Indy and I went for a chilly pre-dawn constitutional, I fed the kittens and Indy. I made a pot of coffee for me and sat down at the table. The kittens had made short work of their breakfast and were sitting on the floor looking at me. I had saved out one of their presents. It was wrapped in paper and I wanted to see what they would do w/ it. I threw it on the floor in front of them. They started working away immediately. I stopped them once they had half of the paper off (didn't want them harming the gift inside.) It was a cat chute toy! It's a tube made of flexible wire that's big enough for a cat to run through. A friend had given me one when got the kittens. I had put it away for awhile but now had the brilliant idea of fastening the two chutes together.
The kittens went wild. The combined tubes make an enticing crinkly noise when moved around, there are two side access holes, it snaps back into shape when jumped on. Blitzen would pause at one end of the chute - her little back feet revving until she took off running as fast as possible through the chute. Dunder waited at a side access holes trying to catch her as she passed by. Once through Blitzen would turn and race back through again - and again - and again. This went on until sunrise. Suddenly both kittens stopped, retreated a short distance and, in unison, retched up their morning meal. Sans breakfast, they went back to running the gauntlet of the chute. Just like you're not suppose to swim right after a meal, the kittens will have to wait after eating before I bring out the chute in the future.
Amazing little creatures! Sorry they lost their breakfast but that is a funny story.
Looks like a fun toy. They are just like kids eagerly opening a present. I think I would even have liked a larger version when a youngster - except for the tossing my cookies part.
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