Thursday, December 28, 2017

Winter sun

I started having nightmares around the beginning of the year.  I've had bouts w/ nightmares before.  As a kid I had a recurring one.  I looked up what I was dreaming about and once I realized it could never happen, the dream immediately stopped.  Had another series of awful nightmares in my 20's.  Those took a bit more work to resolve but I stopped them too.  The ones I started having this year didn't have any on-going theme.  I'd get them once or twice a week and would wake up w/ my heart beating fast and a feeling of terror.  Figured it was another of those 'aging' things but when I mentioned them to people, no one had experienced an onslaught of nightmares as they aged.  Googled it but, again, nothing.  Around the beginning of this month I finally put the timing of the beginning of  my nightmares together w/ the start of the new president's term.  I have been so angry/disgusted/horrified by his actions.  With no outlet for my frustration, it was bubbling out in my subconscious.  The good thing is, like the nightmares of my youth, once I figured out the cause, they've stopped.  (Of course, the bad thing is the dolt will be president for another three years.)


Anonymous said...

Or maybe 7.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully not! I can so relate because the situation has also caused me to have weight gain and anxiety!

Anonymous said...

No nightmares but lots of nausea for me. Suspect the cause was - and is - the same.

kn :(

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for the impeachment route.