Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter Solstice

This is as far south as the sun will rise in the Northern hemisphere.  Slowly (at first) the sun will now start moving back toward the water tower on the left side of the pic and by the time of the summer solstice it will be rising so far to the northeast that I won't be able to see it from my house's back door (where I took this pic).   The clouds closed in and tonight as I left the library snow was falling.  There's a cantata at the Lutheran church in the village a half hour after I finished my library stint tonight.  I'd been reminded not only by the volunteer before me (who is singing in the choir) but also by the librarian who had taken down the Cantata notice and taped it in front of me on the desk before she left.  However,  I might have a cold coming on and I decided I'd better come home, drink a little hot Russian tea, and go to bed early.  Plus getting into bed first assures me of a good spot and maybe even a little sleep before the pets all pile on.

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