Thursday, December 21, 2017

The kittens find a bell on a ribbon

I wasn't told there was a Santa Claus when I was a kid.  Well ... I was told the stories but no one ever said he brought our presents at Christmas.  I asked Mom about that years later and she said she didn't want some big old bearded guy getting credit for the gifts they bought.  I can understand that.  Grandpa told me the cows talked at midnight on Christmas eve but I knew that couldn't be true.  (Did check a couple of times just to be sure.)  No Easter rabbit bringing baskets of chocolate.  No spirits roaming around at Halloween.  My parents did tell me there was a tooth fairy.  Maybe they thought believing in a little magic never hurt a kid - or more likely - it was a handy way of stopping the crying after a tooth fell out.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Did you get money under your pillow from the "tooth fairy"?
The cats look like they are having a good time.