Thursday, November 02, 2017

Fog, Snow, and Winterberries

I filled in for Cynthia at the library this afternoon.  I asked the volunteer I was relieving why the drapes by the front desk were drawn.  "The librarian said she can't seem to get the window clean so she just closed the drapes."  Well, I could fix that.  Got supplies from the back room and cleaned the windows inside and out.  I moved the drapes to the side.  Kinda liked all of the sunlight coming in.  The hold shelf was reordered too.  The 'A.s' were now on the left instead of being on the right.  Asked the other volunteer why the shelf was backward.  "The librarian said it made more sense having everything go left to right."  Could be but I'm used to it the other way so just reordered it.  My stats show Thursdays to be the quietest day at the library and it was true.  We have a book sale coming up next week and the donated books have filled up the shelf for them and were dribbling over the side.  I moved them all to pallets in the back of the library where the sale would be held and sorted them - fiction/non-fiction and in order by author.  There were more donated books in the librarian's office but I believe she wants to look through them first to make sure there isn't something to be added to the library's permanent collection.  Good thing.  It took me the rest of the four hours of my shift to get everything sorted and put away.  Had to chuckle - Bill Crosby's books were next to 'Predator' by Patricia Cornwall.  Things got a bit busier about a half hour before closing.  One patron said she liked how we had changed the lighting in the room so I left the drapes open when I left tonight.  The librarian is going to be surprised by the changes - not sure if she'll be happy about them or not.

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