Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Red Sky in the Morning

After the brothers installed a clothes line this summer I was surprised that I could actually see that my electric bill decreased.  Now that the weather has turned frosty I was pretty sure I could still use it.  The process is that the water in the clothes turns to ice and then sublimates.  Temp was in the teens this morning so I ran a test by hanging up a load of wet clothes.   Even before I finished, the clothes were freezing hard.   Good.  Drying conditions were OK - some sun and a nice wind.  I had to bring the clothes inside around noon but they were mostly dry by then.   If I could have left them longer they would have completely finished.  However snow storm warnings had been flashing on TV all morning and the first flakes were beginning to fly.  I didn't hang my 'delicates' out on the line.  Wasn't sure if the expansion of the water molecules as they turn to ice would affect the fabric so those items I hung inside the house.  Anyway will continue to use the clothes line through the winter - at least as long as I can hang things so they aren't draping over a drift of snow.

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