Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tamarack and Winterberry

 Rough morning so Indy and I went on a long walk through the swamps to clear my head.  Actually, I wanted to walk the swamps anyway.  Much of this path is on my neighbor's land and pursuant to our agreement, I won't go on his land during the month of November (which is quickly coming up).  Indy and I usually only take this way once a week but next month, when we can walk all over my land, it feels almost claustrophobic not to be able to go on his.  I enjoyed the walk.  Sure the flowers, insects, and most birds are gone and the leaves have fallen off the trees but that just enhanced the brilliant red winterberry bushes and golden yellow tamarack trees.   Big added plus, the temp was in the low 50's so no sweating, no mosquitoes, and no ticks (that I've found so far).

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