Saturday, August 05, 2017

Kittens waiting by the front door

The cats, the dog, and I have gotten into a morning ritual.  I wake up between 5:30 and 6.  Indy is OK if I oversleep but the kittens can't cope and will start playing on top of me.  I dress and Indy and I go outside and down the driveway for our morning constitutional.  It's a long driveway so while I may be somewhat groggy at the beginning, I am fully awake by the time we get back to the house.  The kittens are sitting in the foyer watching out the front door for our return.  Back inside, Indy gets a treat and finds a place for a nap.  I call for the kittens and they tumble over themselves in an effort to get to the utility room first.  I put down food in their dish and leave them in a feeding frenzy.  W/ everyone satisfied, I start the coffee and check the news.  Actually kinda nice to be on automatic for awhile before engaging my brain.

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