Monday, August 07, 2017

Black-eyed Susan

I tell other people to enjoy the day when it's their birthday so thought I should take my own advice.  Tried to sleep in but the kittens jumping and chewing on me made that difficult. The GNO group had a birthday cake for me last week but I decided to make myself another one today.  When the cake was done I had some difficulty getting it out of the bundt pan and was pounding it upside down on the counter top.  That attracted Dunder who jumped up on the counter.  Lots of things happened and the cake ended up in three sections w/ one big chip out of it on the floor.  The kittens pounced on the chunk on the floor. No three second rule for that piece! I  put the remaining three sections together and cemented them in place w/ frosting.  Looked good even w/ the 'divot'.  Indy and I took off for a long walk.  Met my neighbor Blake in the hay field and he said his nephew had just mowed all of his trails.  Good - easy walking for this old chick.   My sister Connie called in the afternoon and asked how I was enjoying 65. I said I had all my cards so I was happy.  She said, "Good I hoped my card would get there in time."  I laughed, told her it had, and thanked her.  However the "cards" I was referring to were my Medicare card, my Supplemental Insurance card, and my Supplemental drug card.


Rick said...

Congratulations (and belated happy birthday)!!!

Anonymous said...

We had a good laugh over the card "thing", didn't we! When my Medicare card came, I knew it would have to last a lifetime so had it laminated!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sue. Your card will arrive a little late but is in the mail.
