Friday, August 25, 2017

Doe and her fawns

My favorite room in the house this morning was the laundry room. It's August. Unless it's raining my windows are open.  Maybe not my best house rule since according to my thermometer this morning the temps were in the high 40's. Explains why I woke up in the night and cranked up the electric blanket.  I threw on a long sleeved sweatshirt for the constitutional down the driveway.  The laundry room is in the middle of the house and has no windows.  When I walked through it to feed the kittens, it actually felt toasty.  I started up a load of laundry and did some cleaning in there just to warm up.  We had some sun for the first part of the day but by one p.m. it started raining.  I shut all of the windows.  (Thank goodness!)

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