Thursday, December 22, 2016

Solstice sunrise

The blood bank was  at the school today.  Why not start a new Christmas tradition of giving blood?  It's been a few years since I gave and was happily surprised that I could read all of the materials and answer all of those 'Jerry Springer' questions (you know the ones... Have you had sex w/ someone who had sex w/ someone else for money or drugs?) on-line and print off a "donation pass" form.  The pass worked slick so soon after I walked into the school gym I was on my back looking up at the basketball net.  The nurse/aide was dutifully impressed w/ my vein and wished they had an intern along so they could train them using my arm.  When the donation finished, he thanked me for coming in, and pointed me toward the canteen.  That's when it dawned on me that donating at a school wasn't one of my better ideas.  The canteen consisted of three tables that had become an ad-hoc hang-out spot for the seniors.  Every seat was taken.  As I approached, one of the teenagers w/ a tag stating she was a volunteer stood up, indicated I should take her chair, and asked if I'd like water, cranberry juice, or gatorade.  Should have guessed they wouldn't have coffee.  I asked for water. Each table had packets of vending machine junk food in the center.  I wasn't really interested in any of it until the girl seated next to me said, "Cheez-its are life."  A statement then echoed by the teenage Greek chorus seated around the table.  As soon as the next donor approached I stood up, picked up my water and Cheez-its, offered the donor my seat, and left.  High school teachers can't be paid enough.


Anonymous said...

Cheez-its! Who knew! Nice of the school kids to get involved in helping a worthy cause and you to donate.

The lab tech loves my veins, too. Virtually drools.
Dan....not so much! They run to find the senior lab tech to find his veins.


Unknown said...

As a recent recipient of many blood units I thank you a million times over for doing this.