Friday, March 27, 2015

Jumping for Joy (Sandhill Crane)

Remember the "birthers"? Those people who insisted they wanted to see President Obama's birth certificate before they would believe he was an American? "Birthers" claimed President Obama was really born abroad and that his parents weren't citizens (well, his father was Kenyan but his mother was certainly a American.) They hounded the point even after a search through old editions of a Hawaii paper produced the notice of the birth. Even after the birth certificate was released, many "birthers" claimed it looked fabricated. Now Senator Cruz has announced he is running for president. No uproar about his citizenship even though he was born in Alberta, Canada, his father was a Cuban national, and he had dual Canadian and American citizenship until last year. Just as Sen. McCain could run even though he was born in Panama, Gov. George Romney who was born in Mexico, and Sen. Barry Goldwater born in Arizona territory. As far as parentage, potential presidential candidates, Sen. Marco Rubio's parents were born in Cuba and Gov. Bobby Jindahl's parents India. They aren't being maligned for not producing their "papers."  Let's pray that as the 2016 presidential election heats up we discuss real issues rather than this kind of foolishness.


Kathy said...

Well put Susan, I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!