Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Basswood Grove

I slipped on the ice as I walked into work. My face planted itself into the plastic cookie container I was carrying. The container was a bit more forgiving than the ice would have been so all I got was a fat lip out of that part of the incident. However, as the hours of work passed, I realized that my knee was stiffening up. By the last group of cows I was walking like a peg-leg sailor. Once back home I saw the knee was swollen and entirely black and blue. Called up the bowling team captain and explained I wouldn't be bowling tonight but that one of the other members of the team owed me $20. Could she take the $11 bowling fee out of that? "Not a problem." she assured me. The knee is bending a bit tonight - will take a long hot soak in the tub before turning in tonight. Had plenty of time to think about it and the moral of this tale is to always take cookies to work. If my head hadn't landed on them, the knee would be the least of my problems.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon! That's awful!

Anonymous said...

Whoah! Ouch! This has the makings of another lonnnggg icy Winter. Hoping your knee heals quickly.
