Thursday, December 04, 2014

Winter Shadow

This is the time of the year where I rant about the PNC's breakdown of the cost of the gifts in the "12 Days of Christmas" carol. First, I do have to admit this year's video presentation is cute and well worth checking out (in the "8 maids a'milking" section the tail swat in the face is a realistic touch). The 8 maids are once again the cheapest item - paid a minimum wage of $7.25 - while all of the other human groups are being paid great salaries. However, I may be looking at this all wrong. This year the PNC made a point that the 9 ladies dancing, 10 lords a'leaping, 11 pipers piping, and 12 drummers drumming are being paid per performance. If the maids are being paid - not per hour - but by cow, this wage isn't so bad. If I was paid that way I'd be making over $1000/day for a part time job. Sweet.

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