Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yellow Rocket & Swamp Saxifrage

The plan was just to check the outlying six bird houses on the today's walk. Part of that route takes me through the far hay field. I was on the outlook for Yellow Rocket. It's a plant in the mustard family and will take over a field if you don't pull it. As I walked, I would find a plant and then another further on. Ended up trekking all over that field pulling plants. While it was hot, at least there was a stiff wind which kept the mosquitoes away. Once I finished that chore, checked the final houses, and headed home. This part of the trail went through a slash in the woods where there was no breeze. The mosquitoes attacked en masse. If I kept up a steady walking pace, I thought I could keep them off - till I noticed the swamp saxifrage were in bloom. A quick pic would have been OK but the flowers are so tiny, it takes time to focus the camera. Therefore, first I sprayed insect repellent on bare body parts before snapping pictures. The mosquitoes were ravenous and found any spot that I hadn't thoroughly doused. Still a fun (and productive) trip.

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