Friday, May 30, 2014

Cow Slips

At work this morning, we had finished the hospital group and were beginning on the second group when a cow started urinating. Her stream was just a little short of hitting the butt pan which is suppose to catch such bodily functions when in the parlor. To make matters worse, I was below the butt pan putting on the milking unit. So, my t-shirt was suddenly very wet. I finished putting on the rest of the milkers and left Carlee to watch for them to come off. In the car I keep an extra set of clothes for just such a circumstance and soon, a bit drier, was back in the parlor. This afternoon, my cousins called. They were in town and wanted to treat me to lunch. Such is life - one minute you are getting peed on and the next, being handed a feast.

1 comment:

Blaze100 said...

HA! Not so bad so long as it is just pee. I'd forgotten about the cowslips. Nice picture Sue. Barb