Sunday, June 01, 2014

Painted Lady butterfly

I stopped at one point on our walk today through the swamp to just look around. The sweet scent of chokecherry blossoms was in the air alternating occasionally w/ the scent of manure. The marsh has many various odors but a strong manure smell isn't one of them. I looked down. Indy had found very fresh bear poop and had quite effectively gotten it all over her sides & head. Great. We continued on our walk and just as we were coming out of the woods I saw a fawn dart across the path. A little further beyond, standing in the open field was a doe. Having her eyes at much lower level, Indy hadn't yet noticed either of them. I kept up the pace and the doe stood stock still. Indy never picked up their scent. Of course, it seemed to me, in her present state, her olfactory senses would already be in a state of overload. Once home, she stood still for a long bath. Might be my imagination but think I still smell something on her. Oh well, one of the joys of living w/ a dog.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Is the painted lady butterfly common in your area? The bear scat must smell like perfume to the dog.