Monday, May 05, 2014

Spalted Maple

Reading non-fiction makes a person smarter but a study by the New School for Social Research seems to show that reading non-fiction makes you a better person.  Their testing indicated those people that read fiction had more empathy.  I was getting into this theory until the study went a step further and said the books that best enhanced our social perception and emotional intelligence were Romances. "Bodice Rippers?" I shouted incredulously.  I'll admit I've never actually read one completely through (OK, truth is I've only read their back covers) but I have trouble believing they provide anything more than a titillating diversion.  The study then said on the other end of the spectrum were Sci-Fi/Fantasy which had much less of an effect on making you a caring person.  Now that's just nonsense.  Growing up I remember the impact on me of Fahrenheit 451, 1984, The Lord of the Rings, Animal Farm, I Robot, Frankenstein, The Martian Chronicles, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, and of course all of the original Star Trek books.   (Yeah, I know, all of that reading probably made me more of a geek than an empath.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're annoying. Hmmm?