Sunday, April 06, 2014


I dropped my friend, Nancy, off at her place after church and then headed back for a leisurely ride through the hills to my home. I passed a little dog running loose along the side of the 4-lane highway. I drove a couple of miles before I couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and went back. There was the dog, still running loose at the side of the road. I stopped in front of her. She had a harness on and was dragging a short leash but no tags. Since she was a Pembroke Corgi, I had to lift her into my car. We stopped at three houses from the direction she came but no one was at home. Called that county's sheriff's office and they tried phoning those homes while I watched the road for someone looking like they were missing a dog. No luck. Rather than wait for an officer to come by to pick up the dog, I offered to take it to the humane society myself. Turned out to be in the next town, so the little girl found my heavy winter coat in the back and settled in for a road trip. We walked into the humane society, I filled out paperwork for finding a stray, and then handed the little one's leash over to an attendant. I'd been w/ that dog for less than an hour but still fought back tears as I left. Must be getting soft-hearted (or headed) in my old age.


Anonymous said...

Soft hearted? Indeed. Giving help to the helpless is always the right thing to do but so few actually take the time. Can you call the shelter to see if she was claimed?


Pete said...

Sounds like what I did in Florida last month. Found a large lifeless Loggerhead Turtle upside down on the beach during my long daily walk. I walked on by. Got home, turned around, went back (after 3 miles walking already). Turned turtle over, it moved! Carried it into the surf.