Monday, April 07, 2014

The Basswood Grove

I cross two rivers and two creeks on the way from work. I've been checking them as I pass but they are still well within their banks. The snow banks are melting but I'm not sure where the water is going. Was able to walk out to the mound and to the edge of the meadow today (Indy bounded ahead until jumping through snow got to be a bit much for her and she fell in behind me and followed my footsteps.) Because the snow is still deep in the meadow, I backtracked along my footsteps and noticed that the bottom of some of them had filled up w/ water. I can feel that the ground remains frozen. Maybe some of the melt is trapped under the snow in low areas - unable to be absorbed into the soil and inhibited from flowing into the waterways because of ice dams. Forecast is for the rest of this week to be above freezing. I'll believe we are finally making progress on spring when things begin to flood. As for the mound of snow in front of my door - well, that will be there until at least May.

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