Saturday, April 05, 2014

Chinese Lantern Effect at Sunrise

My brother asked if we in the Northwoods were depressed because of this latest snow storm on top of such a long tough winter. I said, "No, by now we are looking forward to watching it all melt." Maybe I was wrong. Maybe we aren't as sane as I claimed.  Indy and I started out for the woods just to see how deep the snow was. Still too deep to slog far through so we turned back again to the deck. The wind had built the snow into quite a deep bank on the other side of the house and I guess something kinda snapped as I looked at it. I jumped up and into the bank feet first. I went in up over the top of my wellies. My body bent at the knees and I fell back into the snow. Now I was well and truly stuck. It was quite the struggle to wriggle my feet out of the wellies before pulling each boot free. Indy stayed on the deck and quizzically looked at me. You could read it in her eyes, "Stupid person trick?"


Rachel said...

Hang in there a little longer. In two and half months you will have all your family around you.

Anonymous said...

The morning newspaper had a good quote from one of the county road crew. He said, "This has been a Bruce Willis Winter - it died hard.