Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week #1 - New Calf Barn

Time to send out a note to let people know the family reunion is still a go for this year. My niece told me about Evite website so I gave it a try. Figured it should be pretty self explanatory but I ran into a few glitches w/ it anyway. Finally just decided to send the invite out and I guess it worked OK since I've been getting notices that people are accepting. I will snail-mail the rest of the invites this week to family whose e-mail address I don't have. Planning on holding the reunion at the end of June - only hope most of the snow is gone by then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting until I'm sure there is no SNOW! I do not miss it at all. My memory is very good when thinking of that white STUFF! JVM