Saturday, March 22, 2014


Checked in w/ Aunt June this morning. I brought the coffee - a small mocha for her and latte for me. June was glad to see me. We mooched donuts off the tray of goodies on her ward. Then we took off to find a place to have our breakfast. The assisted living center's dining room was perfect. No one was there yet so we found an empty table near a window w/ bright sunshine streaming in. We enjoyed our coffee and stolen donuts while watching the aides change decorations over from St. Patty's Day shamrocks to Easter bunnies and eggs. When we finished, we checked out every nook and cranny of the assisted living center, the new nursing home, the rehabilitation wing and back to June's memory wing. Yes, we may travel pretty much the same circuit, see the same sights, talk about the same stuff each week but we also seem to enjoy ourselves just the same.

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