Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Watching for spring

Before investing in a $6,000 industrial washer/dryer, the dairy owners have decided to tackle the idea of switching to cloth towels carefully. Today we started using them for group 2 cows (about 100) only. The idea is to see if they cause any problems. The herdsman brought out two large plastic bins. One at the front of the parlor was full of the new clean cloth towels (they are a bit bigger than a washcloth). An empty bin was put in the middle of the parlor pit for used towels. That was OK as far as it went, however the owners hadn't bought anything for us to use to carry them. Our paper towel packets wouldn't work. Carlee and I started out stuffing four towels in our jean pockets so we could prep and clean four cows on a side. I was unhappy. Things were slowing down significantly as we needed to run up to the front of the parlor to get the next four towels each time we switched to cows on the other side. The herdsman came to the rescue giving us the deep pouch holder she uses when giving shots. Guess I need to get used to change (though I am REALLY ready for a change from snow & cold.)

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