Monday, March 17, 2014

More Snow

A very busy day at the dairy. I knew both the milk tester and the hoofer would be w/ us this morning. Not much I need to do special w/ the milk tester besides avoid him as he takes samples but I have a list of cows that need to visit the hoofer's station so had to mark their heads w/ a fat crayon when they came in to the parlor. (Mike and the herdsman caught the marked ones when they left the parlor.)  Also knew that a construction crew would be on-site to start work on the new calf barn. I left my car keys on top of my coat so Eric could move my car if it was in the way. I requested that, if one of the big rigs were to hit my car, they should hit it somewhere in the back end. (The front end of the car still looks pretty good since I've replaced it so often from hitting deer but the back end has some rust spots.) The hydraulic system developed issues early on this morning. Eric and Carol managed a fix but the Bo-Matic guys came in after milking to do something more permanent. The milk hauler threaded his semi in between all the vehicles in the parking lot to pick up milk. Actually, kind of exciting to have all this extra activity around.

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