Thursday, March 20, 2014

Horned Lark

The dairy owners wanted to thank all of us for sticking w/ them through a tough winter so they took us out to eat last night, the last night of winter, for supper at the Mexican restaurant in town. To tell you the truth, I was kind of dreading this outing. Don't know if the winter has made a total recluse of me or I just wouldn't be able to stand listening to more conversations about potty training. However, when I got there, I sat next to Mauricio and Antonio on one side and Eric and Evan on the other. Turned out to be a good evening w/ the Spanish-speaking guys laughing at my attempts to tell them spring was on it's way and Eric and Evan saying I should borrow their big slingshot device for the family reunion this year (it's capable of launching a water balloon over a house). Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Slingshot? Water balloons? That sounds like fun!!!


Rachel said...

Did you see the stars last night? They seemed bigger and brighter than usual twinkling like gems.