Sunday, March 16, 2014

Full Moon Rising

Phil had bet me that I'd be able to walk in the woods by March 16th. Today was the test. I donned my wellies and coat and stepped out onto the snow. It held. I thought about it and maybe the extremely slow melt we've been having during the day and the refreeze every night has compacted the snow field. I was able to walk to the edge of the woods, round to Gorgeous Gorge and back to the house. I didn't go further since I did occasionally break through the ice crust and was up to my knees in snow. Pretty sure those kind of bone-jarring falls were what caused my leg problem a few years ago so decided not to push it. Therefore, even though there is still two feet of snow over the meadow, I could walk out to the woods again. Phil wins the bet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think I lost the bet. I had more in mind that you would be able to walk through the woods with only high stepping a little. You didn't even get to the woods. Will pay off when I see you.
