Sunday, March 02, 2014

Library Display - Grandma's Kitchen

When I hired my regular plow guy two years ago, he said he would send me a bill for plowing at the end of December and then one at the end of the plowing season. Last year, that's what happened. This year, he sent me a bill at the end of December, one at the end of January, and I just got one for the end of February. I'm pretty sure he sends them when the amount owed gets to be to a certain level. He doesn't want his customers overwhelmed w/ a huge ending bill but also to mitigate his losses if a customer decides to skip out on paying. My bill is a bit larger this time since I also have to pay for the big plow coming through twice. I don't mind paying. After all, it was my choice to have a long driveway. However, it does point that we've had more plowable snowfalls than normal this year. Winter is giving us an extra kick tomorrow when the temps again will be around -20. My brother made a bet w/ me that I'd be walking in the woods again by March 16th. The bet was made to lift my spirits but I'm pretty sure that my guess of closer to the end of the month will be more accurate. By the way, Phil, what do I get when I win?


Anonymous said...

Last week, the newspaper headlines said the ice will go off the lakes in May. The latest date for open water (we have ever recorded in the last 28 years), was March 31st. Won't be surprised if you aren't able to walk in the woods until April!!


Pete said...

Grandma's Kitchen display is neat.

You could be walking in the woods now ..... with snowshoes or XC skis....ha. I've been hiking the sandy beach and boardwalk through the brush down here in FL. Temps in 70's sure beats current Midwest snow & cold.