Monday, March 03, 2014

Sunrise on a cold day

Number of calls to make after work. First to the mechanic. When I went to visit Aunt June on Sunday something was smelling acrid from the engine. I asked if he could rotate the tires and check out if I had a leak. Not a problem, he can get me in tomorrow. Then a call to the Schwan's delivery. My driveway is barely passable due to drifting and I didn't want their truck trying to negotiate it. Dispatch said the delivery guy could park on the road and walk in. Obviously, he didn't have a clue that you can't park on the highway there nor how long my driveway is. Told him that wasn't an option. Next a call to make my annual checkup w/ the doc. Surprised how long it took the clerk to set it up but in the end she had everything tightly timed so I should be in and out quickly despite labs and other tests I need to have. A call to the dentist to get a date for cleaning my teeth. Nope - message said the office was closed for the week while the doc was on vacation. I'll try later - I don't need it done until June. Last call to ask the people who put in the current library display to see if it could stay in another month. That done, settled down by the fire for a winter's nap.

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