Saturday, March 15, 2014

Full Moon?

Bought sand and potting soil today to start my weekend project. I saved some of my wellies (those are the tall rubber boots I wear to the barn) that had developed rips. During the summer it's not a big deal if some water leaks in so my feet get wet but in the winter that would be a near catastrophe. Instead of tossing them, decided to make planters out of them. I'll poke a small hole in the sole, fill the bottoms w/ sand so they are stable and the top w/ soil. Then I'll plant the top w/ geraniums I overwintered. Thought I'd make round holes in various parts of the shank and plant tiny alyssum in them. Figure I'm not out too much if it doesn't work out plus this project makes me feel like spring is near (despite all of the snow still on the ground).

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