Thursday, February 13, 2014

Red - Wedding Reception

A picture from my niece, Rebecca Webb.

Was bushed after work so sat and watched a little of the Winter Olympics this afternoon. While pretty, I don't often watch figure skating. Death defying skeleton runs don't really trip my trigger. However, the biathlon I find interesting. Probably because it's one of the few winter sports being featured that actually looks like a useful skill - cross country ski as fast as you can, stop, shoot a rifle accurately, and continue skiing. Not sure where, in the real world, you could use the ability to slide a heavy stone across the ice while others sweep in front of it.


Anonymous said...

I have never understand the 'sport' of curling. Who first thought this would be a fun thing to do? I mean, really?

Anonymous said...

the biathlon would be more exciting if they could shoot at each other.


Rachel said...

Madison has a huge curling center if you ever want to try the sport.

Anonymous said...

We have Canadian friends down here who are really into curling. They even went to Colorado few weeks ago to watch the world championships. They have tried to explain the fine points to us - still don't get it.


Anonymous said...

R & R, You used to have a pastor's wife who loved to curl. She too was from Canada. JVM