Friday, February 14, 2014

Red - from White House State Dining Room

Thanks to my niece, Rebecca Webb, for the picture.

The dairy owner was "pulling a calf" (i.e. helping a cow give birth) when he noticed there was light between the roof rafters in the barn. The calf was immediately forgotten as he realized part of the barn roof was separating and in danger of falling in. The barn looks pretty seamless but in reality was built in sections over a few years. The last section was built by a different company and instead of reinforcing where the rafters met, they had just nailed it together. The owners aren't sure what caused a failure at this point: snow on the roof, frost in the ground, high winds, or just time. The boss called carpenters who were able to come out right away and shore up the portion threatening to break away. Today the carpenters came out to do a more permanent fix. There is another happy ending to this story - cow and calf are doing well.

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