Monday, December 02, 2013

Library Display - Fall

The crafter's group that just organized and meets at the library once a month put in a display in the library's cabinet. They hoped it would both to show off their skills and advertise their new group.

I've been the volunteer at the library during their last three meetings. Their first sessions have centered around knitting. The group is made up of those-who-can and those-who-can't (but want to learn). Seems like an ideal situation. However, those-who-can aren't necessarily "teacher material." I listened to one of them carefully explain how to do something to one of those-who-can't. The student asked to be shown again. The teacher repeated what she had said before but at a very slow tempo. I cringed but didn't hear any more questions coming from that student. Later, a question was answered by three people all w/ differing methods. However, they all seem to enjoy themselves in the end. Pretty sure I don't have a strong enough urge to learn knitting. Maybe when they get to a craft I'm more interested in I'll give the group a try.


Anonymous said...

nice display. If you have an opportunity, I would like to have the directions for the knitted booties.JVM

Pete said...

Having this Library display is a great idea ... and it always seems to have a wonderful presentation appearance! Good job!