Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Winter snowstorm

A tricky drive into work this morning. It had snowed most of the night. The county roads hadn't been plowed yet and even the state highway only had one lane cleared. I have check points along the way that tell me if I'm on schedule. I should cross the village bridge at 4:20. Pass the driveway of the log church by 4:24 and stop at the crossroads at the county seat by 4:30. I was pretty reliably two minutes behind at all of my checkpoints this morning. Not really an issue since hitting my checkpoints will get me into work at 4:37 - eight minutes ahead of my start time. Once I got back home and cleaned up, Indy and I took off into the woods. The fresh snow made everything beautiful (and so much more fun to walk through than drive).


Pete said...

Ice rink here in SE MN this morning (Wednesday). Get the ice skates out!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful winter wonderland!