Sunday, December 01, 2013

Texas-style Wedding

A picture from my friend, Kathy.

I'm finishing up the latest book in the Evanovich "Plum Series". I heard it would be coming out in November so I requested it from the library back in June. I was #9 on the waiting list. A copy of the book came in for me last Wednesday and I should be able to get it back into the library on Monday. This is the 20th book in the series and it's pretty much the same story as the rest of the books.  While this story does have a  giraffe running loose in the middle of Trenton, New Jersey, like all of the other books the protagonist still hasn't decided if she's Team Morelli or Team Ranger, her family is depicted as gun-toting crazies (they would make the Real Housewives of New Jersey appear normal), and she is harder on cars than I am. Still, the author takes you for a fun ride figuring out who is the murderer. Since there are almost 200 people on the library waiting list for this title, seems lots of other people don't mind the author's formulaic writing.


Anonymous said...

Nice wedding pic! Wonder what role the other two people were playing?

Rachel said...

I could handle evanovich for the summer 2.5 hour commute daily but by the end of the summer, I was about to scream make up your mind.