Saturday, December 21, 2013

Jingle Bells in the tack room

During the summer Aunt June and I would have our coffee on the Nursing Home patio amidst a myriad of different colored coleus plants. I tried to root some cuttings but they didn't take. When I visited in October, Sheila gave me a beautiful burgundy coleus. It was much too big for June's room but I took cuttings, rooted them in water, and planted them in a clay pot. They seem to be doing OK but haven't put on any new leaves. I gave the plant to June as a Christmas present today and reminded her of those warm days when we could sit outside. I also said I wasn't absolutely sure if this coleus would make it. She smiled and replied, "If it doesn't grow, we'll just have to plant something else."
Yep, that'll work.

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