Friday, December 20, 2013

Barely there sunrise

I don't have a Christmas tree - yet. Some years I bypass getting one at all. However, Brent is here and feels it isn't quite right w/o a lit tree. When I was a kid, we didn't put up a tree until a week before Christmas and then it was one cut out in our woods. Brent has taken to his skis to check out possibilities. Most of them, he says, look like "Charlie Brown" trees. Well, most of those we got when I was young were a bit misshapen too. We would turn the tree this way and that to see which was "the best side." You know, to me that's become part of the charm of having a Christmas tree.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes Mom would tie the tree to a sconce so it would stay straight. We spent an hour hanging the old style of tinsel. Good memories.


Anonymous said...

once I watched your Dad fire up a chainsaw in the living room and trim some branches off the Christmas tree.