Sunday, December 08, 2013

Icy Sunrise

I picked up a stuffed bunny for someone on my Christmas list. (Pretty sure she can't read yet so think I'm safe blogging about her gift.) It allows you to record a message that is played back when the bunny is hugged. The manufacturer suggests something like "You are such a big girl and we love you. Lots of hugs and kisses from Gramma and Grampa." Didn't sound like something I'd say. Instead I quoted the paragraph from Alice in Wonderland where Alice first meets the white rabbit. Had to paraphrase Mr. Carroll to get it down to my allotted 30 seconds and changed Alice's name to the gift recipient's. The instructions then told me to put my finger up the rabbit's anus to flip a switch locking in the message. A vaguely disturbing thing to do - even w/ a cloth toy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wish I could have seen your face, when you figured out what that instruction required!