Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sunset in the forest

Carol, the dairy owner, said to just shut my eyes, post-dip the cows, and let them go. The new rule is if a cow isn't milked out to not worry about it. I'll do it but it will take awhile for me to feel comfy about it. Ever since I came to the dairy the rule was the morning crew made sure the cows were adequately milked. The training classes have taught to reattach the milker if the cow looks like she has another 5 lbs in her. I've watched the owners and herdsman checking udders for fullness. "However," Carol said, "both the Land-O-Lakes rep and our milking system service rep say the cows are learning to milk slower so this will teach them to let down their milk faster." Maybe I'd feel better about it if those reps had ever actually milked cows.


Pete said...

Lot of us share your concerns. During my career in a tech field, we often saw Execs above calling the shots, who didn't really have an appreciation for what went on under them. Sometimes an utter disaster. Sometimes successful, due to the worker bees babysitting and modifying the process to make it work.

Nancy said...

Don't know anything about milking, but love the picture!