Monday, November 04, 2013

Frozen Grapes

Eric and Carol, the dairy owners, told us this morning that the new Land-O-Lakes rep and a specialist would be in to check procedures and test machinery. I've been through these tests multiple times before but thought it would be interesting to compare the methods used by the old rep vs. the new rep. The old rep would test each of us multiple times to see that we were putting on the milkers as quietly as possible - i.e. not letting air escape. He'd give us immediate feedback on what he liked/didn't like and question us on our procedures. This rep seemed more concerned about the milking unit itself. He only tested me since I was milking at the front of the parlor and when I asked to see what he was monitoring he said he was watching the fluctuations in the vacuum during the milking cycles. The specialist just observed what we were doing but never talked to us directly. Can't tell you which technique is better. Can say that w/ the old rep at least I felt like I was an important part of the whole process and not just another cog.


Pete said...

Hope you were able to find a new car battery. In this neck of the woods, we really need healthy cranking power in winter.

Rachel said...

We picked grapes on our farm on Sunday. We've had a few hard frosts so the grapes are very sweet. Steve has made grape juice and grape jelly. We ended up having to use the low sugar recipe because the grapes themselves were so sweet.