Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Twilight clouds

Stepped out on the deck before the sun came up hoping to get a good picture. The world erupted. Indy, barking furiously, ran out the door. Three coyotes jumped up out of the tall grass and took off. A deer at the deer lick took one look, turned, and leaped away into the woods. The coyotes then realized there was only one dog after them. They turned and took off after Indy. She had learned her lesson from coyote tangles before so came running back to me. The coyotes stopped at the edge of the lawn, unwilling to tangle w/ a dog and a human. They slunk off through the tall grass while Indy bopped around on the deck as if to challenge them to come back and fight like a ... dog?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Then did a sheriff's car drive by?