Monday, November 18, 2013

Cute little I-don't-know-what-they-are mushrooms

A foggy pre-dawn when I leave the house to pick up my friend, Nancy. I plug along trying to not outrun my headlights until finally someone passes me. Good, I can draft behind them. "Drafting" in this case does not mean that I follow so close behind that I benefit from a reduction of wind friction. It means I let them hit the deer they scare out of the ditches, staying just far enough back that I don't also get involved in the accident. Soon we are cruising through the dark at ten miles over the speed limit. A little fast for my taste but I need to stay within sight of their tail lights. Another car rushes up from behind, swerves around me, the car ahead of me, and speeds off. Even better, one car to flush out deer and one the police.

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