Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blackberry Leaves

Renewed my passport today. I had let it lapse after I left Honeywell but decided it might come in handy. I called up the post office at the county seat and made an appointment for today. Filled out the form ahead of time, had a certified copy of my birth certificate, my old passport, and my driver's license when I presented myself at the window. The post mistress read over my form and asked me to verify that I had never been called by any other name. (Some school yard names flit through my mind, but I dismissed them.) Then she said if I didn't put something in the area of "Future Travel Plans" other applications might go ahead of mine. I had already considered that and decided, after all of the other crap the government wanted to know, asking my future plans was downright intrusive. "Such is life." I responded. She invited me into a side room, took my picture, and after averring that everything on the form was correct, signing my name, and an inordinate amount of money, I could go. If the government stays open, I'll have my new passport in six weeks.


Pete said...

Neat colors and composition with the backlighting!

RETA said...

Beautiful picture. Yes, I need to do the passport-thing next year. Not too much fun getting it - but, it lasts for a good long while once renewed again.

RETA@ http://evenhaazer.blogapot.com

Anonymous said...

It sounded like renewing your passport was a whole easier than in KY & FL. When we got our passports we had to go to Walgreens to get a picture. When I renewed it last year, I had to go AAA. I could get the form at the county office, but had to send it in. Then it was sent back because I didn't sign it. Well, I looked it over to find a place to sign. and saw none. It was at the middle of the form and not at the end where you would normally look.Eventually I got a new one and have used it.JVM