Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Horse Whisperer (or vice versa)

Milking training today right after we finished first shift. Land-O-Lakes usually does our training but this time it was trainers from the company that provides milking supplies. One of the trainers had been to the dairy six years ago and remembered me. (I was impressed!) The dairy owners like the trainers to reinforce our procedures and then talk about anything they either saw that we could do better or what they have observed at other sites. After a slideshow presentation, handouts, and showing proper technique by cleaning a huge plastic udder set up on a table, the trainers turned the meeting over to the dairy owners. They told us that they had decided to get rid of the bigger milk hoses (yeah!) and to remember as we get into the colder months to limit the amount of water that gets out into the holding pen (it can freeze there and cows are notoriously bad skaters). Then the meeting was over and it was pizza and milk all around.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was actually telling me there was a chick over there taking his picture. Could I bring her over.
