Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fjord stallion

Got my hair cut and back to one color (though not the original one). I'd tried to get it done earlier in the month but my hair stylist said she was going to take a vacation. I sat down in the chair today and asked how her vacation was. "Good and bad." she replied. She and some friends had taken their horses and camped for a week in the hills. That had worked out well and they had spent hours every day riding through trails in the county forest. However, last week, our warm weather had turned cold and wet. Some nights, she said, it was hard to get a fire started.   "You should have rented the ski hill's cabin." I said. "It was very near where you were camping." Turns out some of her group had rented it and they had all had dinner there one night. However, her idea of a vacation was camping in the woods w/ her horses. "Actually, I'd do it all again." she mused.   To each his own.

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