Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Green and Gold

My friend Kathy's husband went on an extended trip to Japan while she spent the time at their new home in Texas with their dog, Ralphie. Thinking back, it's probably my fault. I told her that if I died and no one found me right away even my faithful dog Indy would eat my decomposing body once she got thirsty enough. That started a daily e-mail ritual between us. First Kathy said she had plenty of water out for Ralphie. I commented that it was a good thing that I didn't have carpeting in the house since a rotting corpse would leave an awful stain. Our discussions went downhill from there. Kathy graduated w/ a Biology major so she could get a lot more gruesome than I could. In between, of course, we talked about other stuff - politics (talk about gruesome), mutual friends, what we were doing, etc. Her husband is due back in Texas tonight. Guess this means we won't need to delve further into the disgusting possibilities of our pets going "Donner Party" on us. Too bad.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Oh I don't know about me getting more gruesome. You did pretty well!