Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Autumn color

Our village isn't very big - less than 1,000 people. Maybe that's why people come to the library when they have a question. I received a call when I was on duty last week asking who in town made hand-made bar stools. I had no idea and the caller seemed rather disappointed in me. Then there was the call from a woman who wanted to know when the parade started. Fortunately, a quick look in the local newspaper we keep on-hand gave me the answer. Tonight it was a delivery guy. He had a package to deliver and the only address he had was a P.O. box. The local post office has drastically cut the hours they are open so they were closed already. The delivery person wanted to know if we knew the guy's phone number. I'd just come on duty so the librarian and another volunteer were still there. Neither of them had ever heard the name. They put in a call to the village chairman. Nope, he'd never heard the name either. I got on the Internet but couldn't come up w/ any reference to the name at all. We'd run out of ideas. The delivery man thanked us for our efforts and left. One for three. I need to work on my knowledge of local gossip if I'm going to continue volunteering at the library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are looking for the Human version of Google. ;-)