Saturday, October 05, 2013

Oak Leaves

A young woman named Kathleen came into the library this morning. She was looking for the book "Visioneering" by Andy Stanley. It wasn't in any library in our network so I made a note for the librarian to see if it could be special ordered from outside the system. Kathleen said she often had problems finding books in our library system. "My tastes are more urbane and, let's face it, the people around here aren't readers of books w/ any depth." I wanted to disagree explaining, as a volunteer at the library, I knew that wasn't true. However knowing my temper and that I was representing the library, I opted for a non-committal "Oh." She went on to tell me that reading good literature is essential in keeping your mind sharp to stave off Alzheimer's in later life. Another "Oh." She went on about a study of elderly nuns (presumably well-versed nuns, no pun intended) who never got dementia. "But," she said, "it might be they didn't get Alzheimer's because they never cooked w/ aluminum." I hope she isn't holding her breath waiting for a letter from Mensa.

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